FotoObraz for mom in a photo frame

Lowest price in the last 30 days:
$31.00 USD $39.00

*Results must be achieved in 24 hours, refund of up to 150 PLN max.
Photo -gap for mom in the frame it is unique personalized giftwho will delight every mother. The beautiful one photo -gap for mom This is not only an elegant decoration, but also a unique souvenir. Choose a photo that has a special meaning for you, and put it in a stylish frame, creating a unique gift for your mother. Each photo -gear is like a window for these expensive heart moments that can now decorate the walls of your mother's house. This personalized gift, which will certainly cause emotion and will enjoy the eye for many years. Let this photo for mom in the frame will be a daily reminder of your closeness and love, whose words cannot be expressed. That's more than gift for mom - It's a heart put into every detail to celebrate your unique bond.
Table of Sizes

Men's t-shirt

Women's T-shirt

A blouse without the hood


Boxers: 33cm width (m), 40cm (L), 47cm (XL)

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